How Is Animated Commercial Different From Other Commercials?

An animated ad is any digital display unit that has movement—no matter the intricacy or simplicity of the movement involved. In contrast, static banners have zero movements; they’re the web equivalent of your morning paper. Over the years, in a bid to hold user attention, old fashion static banners have evolved to become animated banner ads that you see on most web pages today.

You may hear ‘animated’ and get nervous thinking of Pixar-like frames of animation but don’t panic! Animated banners can run the gamut from subtle pans and zoom on the background image, to copy that fades in and out, to fully animated characters. Because of the eye-catching movement, animated banners stand out from the static data on websites and social media platforms and can provide much higher ROI than a similarly static campaign.

But what makes animation work as a good strategy to increase sales and, in the case of advertisement video – to help the viewer make a purchasing decision? Animation can be an amazing way to build a good narration. It helps to consume information in both relaxing and engaging way. The cartoon-like videos have this ability to make users feel less tense and perceive new information with ease. In a slightly humorous fashion, it can cover different areas. It conveys a message in very simple terms and easily attracts attention.


  • Video animation can be universal. No matter what sort of product you want to sell, using the right instruments there are many ways to make a suitable advertisement for your targeting audience.


  • It is more flexible in its ways of working with the meaning. The animation is more entertaining. This feature matches the very rule of your marketing success nowadays which depends gravely on how fun you can be.


  • Animation works differently on an emotional level by omitting to force a message where the audience should be buying the product immediately.

For beginners, you have to know that there different types of animated advertisement. So to choose the right type of animation according to marketing aim is to build an ideal way to show and promote your product.

  1.  Whiteboard animation: Whiteboard animation is a video style that shows the viewer static images being drawn on the screen. Typically the illustrations are accompanied by a narration that walks the audience through the story that is being told within the drawing. These animations are simple, yet undoubtedly engaging. 
  2.  3D animation: 3D animation is the art of using motion to bring characters, vehicles, props, and more to life within TV shows, films, and games.
  3. Stop-motion animation: Stop motion is an animated filmmaking technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed frames so that they will appear to exhibit independent motion or change when the series of frames is played back.
  4. Cartoon animations: A cartoon is a type of illustration, sometimes animated, typically in a non-realistic or semi-realistic style. The specific meaning has evolved over time, but the modern usage usually refers to either: an image or series of images intended for satire, caricature, or humour; or a motion picture that relies on a sequence of illustrations for its animation. 
  5. Explainer animation: An explainer video is a short animated video commonly used by businesses to quickly tell their brands’ stories in a memorable way. Thousands of businesses big and small have found that incorporating a short, compelling video has helped them expand their brand presence. They are also useful for any business with a message they want to be heard.

If you still don’t use animated video in your marketing strategy, you may want to consider adding it. Shopper’s decision to buy or to ignore your product is more likely depends on the video you have.